Miss the Start, Miss the Story
Simply restart already running movies from the beginning. Campaign for pay TV provider Sky promoting its new restart function.

Eurobest, Bronze, 2018 | BrandEX, Gold, 2019 | Deutscher Digital Awards, Gold & Bronze, 2019 | Award of Montreux, Gold, 2019 |
ADC New York, Merit, 2019 | Webby, People’s Choice, 2019 | Popai D-A-CH, Gold, 2019 | One Show, Merit, 2019 |
ADC Germany, 1x Silver, 2x Bronze & Merit, 2019 | Cannes Lions, 3x Shortlist, Print, 2019
AdAge | Muse by Clio | The Drum | Adeevee | Clube de Criação | Branding.news | Shots | Creative Review & others.